Getting new customers for your business, whether you are a sole proprietor or a major construction company, is crucial. Leads are the lifeblood of any business.
Below we have chosen to present 4 ways in which construction companies can generate more leads with the help of their presentation page.
Tip #1: Make it easy for potential customers to contact you
Phone number
This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s always surprising how many businesses don’t post their phone number, especially in an easy-to-find position. Typically, the top right corner of your website header serves this purpose best. We also suggest that your phone number be text-based, instead of an image. Images are difficult for many search engines to process and difficult for users to decipher while browsing on their phones. If your phone number is image-based, the customer won’t be able to benefit from that “click to call” experience.
A contact form
Contact forms are nice because you’re not posting an email address that will lead to a lot of spam. Perhaps more importantly, though, contact forms allow you to direct the conversation with your prospect. You can ask for specific information, such as the prospect’s full name, address, company, and phone number. You can also display subject line options so the user can tell you the purpose of their message, short and to the point!
Here is a screenshot of an example contact form:
Source: Golden Site
Source: Jordan Crown
Tip #2: Inspire credibility
In marketing, here’s a generally accepted rule: a potential customerphone number database doesn’t care how brilliant your company is and how good you are. They want proof! They want to know what others have to say.
Show your customer list
Who are the companies or people you have worked with that video marketing: is it worth using? your potential clients might recognize? If you have had the chance to work with big names, recognized locally or regionally or nationally, make sure to make this public on your website. Often, a company will use this logic: “Well, if company XYZ entrusted them with a job, I’m sure it’s worth it for us to do it too.”
Source: Jordan Crown
Present your work
When trying to prove your company’s credibility, showcasing your hongkongdata work is crucial. You can do this through simple project photos and descriptions, or full case studies that provide more detail for each project. Either way, using your portfolio or case studies (or both!) will help you connect your past project experience to current needs.
Another useful tip here: potential clients are interested in both what you do and how you do what you do.
Source: Jordan Crown
Include customer testimonials
It’s one thing to post a company logo on your client page. It’s another thing entirely if that client enjoyed working with your construction company. When considering which testimonials to post on your site, keep these indicators in mind:
Use complete information – such as your full name and company name. This will give your testimonials credibility. Anyone can write fake testimonials, but if you use real people who work for real companies, potential customers will automatically become more confident in the company in question.