Gaining positions on the SERP is associated with an increase in traffic and the ultimate goal: conversions. Our data shows that gaining one position increases CTR by an average of 30.63%.
The more positions you gain, the higher this growth. If you are currently gambling database in position 8, this will bring you 380 visitors for 10,000 searches on desktop. If you rise to position 5, the same 10,000 searches will bring you 627 visitors. This is a growth of 247 visitors, which is equal to 65% growth.
Below is a complete overview
High workload as a marketer? Save up to one working day per week with smart software
High workload as a marketer? Save up to one working day per week with smart software
We all know those days when 24 hours just isn’t enough. If this stays with one day, it’s not such an issue. But did you know that 44% of workers in the Netherlands regularly to too often experience high work pressure? This causes 1.6 million Dutch people to suffer from burnout complaints, and we make unsubscribing easy are absent from work for about 14 million days each year.
Marketers can’t escape it either. From setting up campaigns and analyzing data to european union email list generating leads and managing social media – the to-do list seems endless. Add tight deadlines, high expectations and ever-changing algorithms to that, and you have a recipe for high workloads. How nice would it be if you had an hour left at the end of the day for important, long-term
matters? A well-designed IT landscape can make a big difference here.
1. Automate your workflows
This won’t come out of the blue, but automating workflows can save you a ton of work on a daily basis. While the concept seems fairly obvious, the execution isn’t always straightforward. Many marketing teams continue to cling to manual tasks without the need.
There are plenty of tasks you do on a daily basis that are repetitive and can be automated. Custom APIs or workflow tools like Zapier can connect different systems and perform tasks automatically.