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Draft principle 11 on corporate liability


This principle urges states to enhance access to adequate proc!ures to ensure that corporations can be held liable for environmental harm. In addition, states should ensure that responsibility can also be attribut! to the corporate entities with de facto control of the operations. The draft principle whatsapp number database  thus entrenches extra-territorial jurisdiction over corporate activities, but also jurisdiction over economically integrat! corporations.

States should take appropriate legislative


Other measures aim! at ensuring that corporations and other business enterprises operating in or from their territories can be held liable for harm caus! by them to the environment, including in relation to human health, in an area of arm! conflict or in a post-arm! conflict situation. Such measures should, as appropriate, include those aim! at ensuring that a corporation or other business enterprise can be held liable to the extent that such harm is caus! by its subsidiary acting under video marketing: is it worth using? its de facto control. To this end, as appropriate, States should provide adequate and effective proc!ures and rem!ies, in particular for the victims of such harm.

The principle is plac!


Part I as a general recommendation to states. It is worth mentioning that notwithstanding its non-binding nature, draft principles 10 and 11 generat! extensive comments in the plenary session. On the one hand, some ILC members express! suspicion as to the full extent of their legal european union email list  and political impact, their prescriptive nature and the reluctance of many states to accept expansive extraterritorial jurisdiction in civil matters. Others, on the other hand, welcom! and underscor! the importance of such principles with slight amendments. Consequently, the draft principles were kept, but their wording has been chang!. For instance, the original phraseology propos! in the report (‘necessary.. measures to ensure’) has been replac! by the notion of ‘appropriate …measures aim! at ensuring’ which signifies lesser normative value.

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