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Connect with your consumers: gaming

The world of gaming and quick and simple games, known as game mechanics. Are changing the way brands advertise and sell. Gaming can be understood as game mechanics that offer entertainment and interaction with one or more people. Game mechanics are not only fun, they can also create interesting content that brands. If they know how to do it, use to connect with their clients or future consumers.

The fact is that playing simple games in digital media, such as roulette wheels, memory games or spot the differences, contains an important factor: it reminds consumers of the time when they were children and enjoyed these games and encourages the participation of all kinds of audiences. In addition, with the mechanics of simple games, excessive consumption of information and advertising is replaced by entertainment and fun. In a world where advertising and information bombard us from all sides, games are an attractive way to capture leads.

At Galanta we tell you how you can connect with your consumers through gaming and game mechanics .

What is gaming?

In a more digital and advertising sense, we can understand gaming as a marketing strategy where game mechanics and related elements are used to connect with users and establish cell phone database  with them. In this way, interaction increases and becomes a two-way relationship: the brand offers a game, the consumer participates in it, is given a coupon or discount and decides to try the brand.

What are the benefits of using gaming?

We are living in a key moment where gaming and artificial intelligence are changing the way we relate to each other, being two elements of the new digital revolution 4.0. Such is the change that gaming marketing brings the following to a new way of doing marketing:

  • Interact through social media : Social media is a perfect way to launch your marketing strategy. For example, you can use Instagram to create posts with a wheel of fortune and in the guide: How to create a loyalty program caption indicate that just by participating, you are guaranteed a prize. If you also promote the post, it will have a great reach.
  • Increase engagement : game mechanics make the audience interact more with the brand, being able to establish emotional relationships with it.
  • Customer loyalty : one of the key points of any marketing strategy and action is aimed at customer loyalty. With the game mechanics of raffles, roulettes or scratch cards, when a user wins, they will surely be so excited that they will think about becoming loyal to your brand. At this point, and if they decide to join your loyalty club , you both will have won.

Gaming’s relationship with your consumers

If you promote your products or services by offering customers free participation in raffles, scratch cards, roulettes or other types of quick games and you assure them that they will win, they will surely agree to participate. We all like free products and what better way to get them than with game mechanics that last a few minutes.

Gamified campaigns

  • Prize Wheel : a classic for giving away prizes and gifts on the spot. You can also choose how many times you want the player to participate.
  • Matching cards : A great way to learn more about the brand and its products is by matching and associating cards. For example, if you are a company that makes art products, you match painters with works of art.
  • Spot the Differences – Time limited, encourages the player to participate and measure their visual acuity.
  • Other games : puzzle games, interactive games, create your own adventure, etc.

Developing marketing strategies that involve gamification will be beneficial because you will get more engagement. Of course, you will have to come up with good gamification that suits your book your list personal buyer . Make the audience participate in the content you offer and make those interactions fun so that they have a positive experience, thus increasing engagement. Not only will the users have fun, but also your brand’s employees and you. There is no better way to build customer loyalty than with laughter and fun.

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