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How long does it take for crayfish to grow and when can they be sold?

The rate of their growth, resistance to diseases, size and commercial.

Characteristics depend on how and what you fe the crayfish. They are often f boil and raw food: pieces of meat, fish, kitchen scraps, potatoes, compound fe for carp fish. The food is plac in special grate feers.

Probably one of the most frequently ask

Questions among novice crayfish farmers.
How long does it take for crayfish to grow and when can they be sold.
Everyone is interest in how long it is necessary to fe the crayfish.
Grow it and wait before receiving the first profit. Experienc businessmen note that crayfish can be sold after 2-3 years of their life. But the optimal weight is achiev by four years. It is then that the crayfish has 50-70 grams america phone number list of pure meat.
Which is the market norm and is taken as a basis for buying and selling. Yes, you will have to work and wait before receiving the first batch for sale.

Also, experienc crayfish breers advise not to sell

Females in the first 5 years, in order to form a self-reproducing tribe, and then steadily catch more and more new individuals for sale. Bas on this logic, they advise leaving at least 20% of the herd in the reservoir, to give them the opportunity to continue to reproduce and develop.
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Growing crayfish, as it may seem at first glance, is not an easy matter, which requires a special approach, knowlge, constant development and learning new aspects of this business. One of the aspects that you should know from A to Z even before starting your own business is crayfish diseases. If you do not long does monitor various ailments, especially the possibility of crayfish plague, they can eat your entire tribe before they gain marketable weight and appearance.

Crayfish diseases are a separate topic

That we will long does afb directory not discuss in this article. We are sure that this aspect of crayfish breing is well cover in many connect with your consumers: gaming articles on the Internet, and experts in this field will be able to give you more detail answers and advice on how to protect your tribe from unwant diseases.
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