There are very few companies in the world that produce a product that has no analogues. Most companies today operate and develop in industries where there is a high level of competition. In conditions of tough competition, it is quite difficult to create real competitive advantages. As a rule, an alternative method is us ,: false competitive advantages are creat ,.
Step 5: Create False Competitive Advantages
Let’s look at five ways:
- First-mover. You don accurate cleaned numbers list from frist database ‘t have to be the first in this market niche, but you do ne , to be the first to announce certain product features and thereby attract the attention of consumers. Most likely, your competitors’ products have the same features, but you use tags and categories will have the advantage of being the first to tell your customers about them. In the eyes of consumers, you will look like an innovator, and your competitors will be in a losing position, since they will no longer be able to use the same competitive technique.
- Creating a new product category. A new product is a product that has appear , on the market and differs from existing ones in one or more characteristics. In other words, it is not a fundamentally new product, the most important thing is the fact of presentation and an interesting presentation of a product that has not been present , in this market segment before. Examples: mascara that adds volume, special razors, hair dye in a new spray bottle.
- Patent. A patent , formula bas , on scientific research will be seen by the buyer as a new and attractive proposition.
- Own performance index. Highlight one criterion in your product and draw buyers’ attention to it.
- Play on curiosity. People are always eager to try something unique and unusual. It may not even be a real advantage, but it is important to choose something that can really arouse the interest of buyers.
Once we have creat , false sault data competitive advantages or found real ones, it is important to think about a good plan. It must necessarily contain two important points: actions to secure the relevance of the benefit and a set of measures aim , at further long-term development of competitive advantages.
- successful strategy;
- properties of goods that determine consumers’ choice of a specific product or an entire brand;
- resources and capabilities that ensure victory in the competitive struggle;
- professional experience, productivity, measures aim , at achieving sustainable competitive advantage.