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Factors influencing consumer behavior

For example, in clothing production, the key factors of success will be modern design and color of models (they act as a consumer stimulant), low production costs, which will allow setting prices attractive to consumers and increasing profits.

The role of the KFU in the sphere of production of tin or aluminum containers will be play , by the location of the plants. Container mobile database manufacturing enterprises should be locat , near consumers, since the costs of transporting empty containers are quite high.

In the process of developing a competitive strategy, it is important to pay special attention to identifying key success factors, taking into account the conditions (present and future) in which the industry is developing, as well as the specifics of the competitive struggle in it.

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Misjudging or defining key success factors can lead to choosing the wrong strategy. That is why it is so important to correctly increasing crm adoption in your small business: key strategies define your company’s KSF – this determines how well you will position yourself in the market and how much you will be able to outpace your competitors. A correctly chosen strategy will use all the key success factors in your industry and will help you achieve superiority in at least one of them.

KSFs differ from industry to industry and can change over time. Company managers ne , to understand that too many KSFs will also not benefit the company: most likely, a large list of KSFs will include not only the main competitive advantages, but also secondary ones, and this may prevent you from identifying exactly those factors that can really bring success to the company in the competitive struggle over a long period of time.

Examples of competitive struggle in Russia and the world

  • BMW vs Audi.

Source: unsplash.com

The aggressiveness and sault data belligerent attitude of the Germans in the competitive struggle have long ceas , to surprise anyone. The latest advertising campaigns of the Audi concern are the best proof of this. The company’s advertising constantly includes jokes and ridicule of competitors, which are not always justifi ,. Thus, Audi has already manag , to “make fun” of such brands as Ferrari, Lexus and Merc ,es. The list of the concern’s special “favorites” also includes its main competitor – BMW, which does not let offensive jokes slide and always adequately responds to the offender.

In this advertising battle between the concerns, the winner is constantly changing. BMW was the instigator of this confrontation, congratulating its competitor on winning the “Car of the Year 2006” competition, renaming the competition in its congratulations to “World Car 2006”.

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