Breeding crayfish, if you are planning a serious and long-term business, will require official registration of your enterprise. So what documents are required?
First, you need to officially register your business. An individual entrepreneur is perfect for this, but if you plan to expand, develop a large business, attract investors, work with large companies, then it is better to register as a legal entity. But many aspiring entrepreneurs choose an individual entrepreneur, because this form of doing business involves a simpler system of taxation, reporting and control.
Next, you need to decide on the tax system
Here, everything depends on whatsapp number list the expected volumes of production and sales. But we are sure that at the initial stages you will not earn millions per month, so feel free to choose a simplified system and work.
Next, you need to decide on OKVED. For crayfish breeding, you need to specify OKVED, which assumes breeding of domestic animals. Oddly enough, but it is in this category that the legislator has defined crayfish breeding. If you plan to give the goods to wholesalers who will be engaged in their further sale, then Business registration you do not need to specify anything else. If you plan to independently sell crayfish, then you need to choose OKVED, which assumes retail trade in fish, crustaceans and mollusks.
In fact, this will be enough to start your business.
At the moment, breeding crayfish
Does not require Business registration any special licenses and permits. The only difficulty you may encounter is product certification. But it will only arise if you sell your crayfish at retail. As you know, any product that ends up scope and methodology of the topic on store shelves must meet certain norms and standards. Crayfish are no exception. Therefore, in order to avoid problems with regulatory adb directory authorities, we advise you to familiarize yourself in advance with what norms and standards your crayfish must meet.