The ideal temperature for crayfish growth is consider to be 18 degrees. Of course, maintaining it in natural conditions will not be realistic, especially if the reservoir is large. But if you grow crayfish in an artificial aquarium, then having achiev a year-round water temperature of 18 degrees, you can significantly spe up the growth process.
Water exchange is a prerequisite for normal crayfish growth. Your pond should not stagnate. The water should circulate and change regularly. If there is stagnation, the development of crayfish can significantly worsen.
It is also necessary to regularly
Transplant adult individuals from young ones. This done for safety reasons and to easily control the growth of crayfish.
, you must buy young animals, from which the foundation of your future farm will be grown. In order to completely abandon the purchase of young individuals, creating a self-renewing herd, it will take about five years. Remember europe cell phone number list that you always ne to leave at least 20% of adult individuals in order to give them the opportunity to reproduce themselves.
Beginner crayfish keepers will have nowhere to go, and they will have to buy crayfish bas on the calculation farming business that one female can give up to 100 new young individuals. But do not forget that crayfish do not disdain to eat each other, and can become cannibals after the second molt. Therefore, separate the young from the adults in time, control the development of the herd, and do not take ideal calculations that one female will give at least 100 new crayfish. Always take into account the risks, and include in the calculations a figure much less than the ideal.
Many try to combine fish and crayfish breing in one pond
In certain farming business draft principle 8 on human displacement cases, this makes sense, because crayfish are omnivorous and do not compete with fish at all. They are consider to be the orderlies of ponds, eating adb directory everything that can be found on the bottom: dead river inhabitants, plants and algae. But this does not mean that you should be careless about feing your crayfish tribe.