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High-stakes duel Account-Based Marketing versus Inbound Marketing

There are many who predict the death of Inbound Marketing, pointing to the new king in the ROI or return on investment room: Account-Based Marketing (ABM) .

Without going to the extreme of this statement

since Inbound is still a very efficient strategy, it is true that ABM presents very interesting innovations . It has allowed B2B companies to approach the right customers while they are still waiting to receive the right message. The circle is closed.

This is a much more effective method

of achieving ROI , whether we are talking about time investment or profit, since it prioritizes the profile of the contacts and creates highly  specialized content, in addition to accurately measuring and metrics.

Inbound marketing has some limitations

that a well-implemented ABM strategy overcomes. Inbound marketing prioritizes quantity over quality, and there is less synergy with

In Account-Based Marketing

on the other hand, we are talking about a highly personalized approach . Programs are designed and executed that focus on impacting and facilitating the growth of very specific accounts. The wheat is separated from the chaff.

Messages and campaigns are tailored to the profile as much as possible, and synchronized inbound and outbound techniques are used throughout the purchasing process. This multiplies the results, exceeding.

If we were to use a war metaphor

Inbound would be like sweeping a wide area with bombs in which a target is located, while ABM would be like aiming with a precision germany whatsapp number data drone. If we prefer a marine metaphor: one would be like fishing with a net and the other with a harpoon.

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Its methodology is based on

selecting accounts and profiling them . Precise content and messages are generated, adjusted to the profile and moment, relevant and interesting benefits of integrated marketing in a multi-channel world for each account.

Coordination between the marketing and sales teams, together with the impact of multichanne ej leads campaigns, will do the rest: they will achieve the desired engagement

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