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Inclusion of more detailed provisions related to NIACs

A relat! and important issue concern! the practice of non-state actors (NSA). In her second report, Ms. Jacobsson stat! that such practice would be of interest to the work on the topic without however constituting “practice” in the legal sense of the word, thus following the approach taken within the topic of “Identification of customary international law” (see A/CN.4/682, annex). Yet, even for this purpose the special rapporteurs experienc! difficulties in obtaining information on the practice of NSAs; thus the draft principles are largely bas! on the practice of states and opinio juris.


In 2017, the Working Group for the topic rais!


A call for a more systematic attention dataset  to issues relat! to NIACs to usefully complement the already adopt! draft principles. This was done with the last report of Ms. Letho in the context of illegal exploitation of natural resources and the responsibility of NSAs. With regard to the sound of silence: 5 examples of effective use of space in web design the later, it must be emphasiz! that the Special Rapporteur discuss! the possibility for holding NSAs directly responsible for environmental harm in addition to attribution of their conduct under the rules of state responsibility. In this respect, the report provid! a rich and extensive analysis for consequences attach! to violations of norms by different NSAs, but could only discern substantial development concerning the liability european union email list  of corporations (see below the adopt! draft principles), seen as an exercise not of codification but of development.

The gist of the principle is to encourage the state –


Where the corporation is register! or situat! – to provide due diligence obligations with respect to the protection of the environment and human health. The basis for this is found in a series of normative frameworks that have been characteriz! as ‘voluntary’ (paras 30 – 35) but also mandatary with limit! reach identifi! only in the US (para 35) and the EU (paras 36-7). Accordingly, the provision has been draft! as a recommendation applicable in all phases of the conflict.

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