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Marketing automation a key strategy in Digital Transformation

Digital transformation has impacted the heart of marketing. With an increasingly omnichannel approach. That seeks to reach the customer in a coherent. Effective way without gaps and anywhere. Marketing automation has become a fundamental aid for this purpose. It goes far beyond sending automatic welcome emails .

If you manage to exploit it correctly

making the most of its potential, it can increase the ROI or return on investment , obtaining a greater number of leads and providing better cambodia whatsapp number data reach and agility . It is not just a solution or software that marketing teams can use to automate their developments: it is an entire strategy that goes beyond technology , integrating people, tools and processes, with an innovative approach that leads businesses to success.


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It offers multiple advantages

and makes it easier to achieve growth objectives, as it allows you to create, automate and effectively measure campaigns on different what is inbound marketing? channels , enabling more relevant conversions. It adapts to the process and steps that the client takes in their complete cycle, allowing for greater knowledge and personalization.

The first of its advantages

is that it manages to satisfy the needs of customers , interacting with them when they need it most. More information is available about them, which ends in greater conversion: they are contacted at the right time, with more preci


This is mainly due to the conflict and indecision that uncertainty generates when B2B customers are faced with a relevant purchase. And this ej leads conflict increases in complicated times like the current ones. One of the solutions to this challenge, according to Gartner, is to develop precise and differentiated strategies , with more personalized messages that promote commitment or engagement.

The consultancy firm’s data confirms that creating personally valuable communications that increase confidence in timely decisions has been one of the trends in the B2B sector since the pandemic began. According to its Covid-19 survey, amid the current uncertainty, 59% of B2B marketing leaders have created more relevant and personalized communications in response to the new challenge.

However, every crisis adds new layersMarketing automation of indecision, doubts and postponements. Purchases have become more uncertain. are paralyz

Gartner research has concluded that strengthening the quality of buyers’ decision-making reduces uncertainty levels by 8%, and this ultimately impacts the growth of quality accounts. To this end, they recommend that CMOs make an effort to understand these strategic and operational changes in B2B buyers .

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