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On the subject of email bounces

Two types you ne to know -email-bounces about: soft b to c database bounces and hard bounces. Hard bounces occur when an email cannot ever be deliver, for example, when an email address is invalid.

Soft bounces are when an email doesn’t reach the recipient for a temporary reason, such as the recipient’s inbox being full, an email attachment being too large or because of time-based ‘greylisting’.

Greylisting is a process used

by ESPs to help prevent spam. The ESP blocks the initial attempt for an email to be delivered and tells the sender to retry after a short period of time, such as 15 minutes. If you notice that your emails are regularly being ‘greylisted’, this is a warning sign that your sending reputation needs improvement.

As a general guide, any email address that you’re sending to that results in a hard bounce, should be removed from your database. Soft bounces should be looked at closely. If the same email address has multiple soft bounces, you might want to consider removing those too.

Feedback loops from ESPs

Several ESPs provide feedback loops essential components for a real estate website designed to provide you with information about spam complaints. All Firepush IPs are registered for ESP feedback loops where possible (Gmail is one betting email list provider that doesn’t offer this). We recommend you check ESP feedback loops regularly so you can take action regarding any spam complaints.

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