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Merging and organizing a remote team

Forming a team initially seems like a difficult task. But the online mode of work has greatly simplifi it. Location is no longer a determining factor; the team can work perfectly remotely. We are surround by a huge number of people who are ready to join projects, continue to study and get new relevant specialties. Now mothers on maternity leave, who have tast domestic life, have the opportunity to build a career and participate in public life from any corner of the world.

My team consists of 15 copywriters

An accountant, an assistant and 2 PR managers.  involve the rest of the specialists in project work: these are creators, marketers asia mobile number list and designers.  assembl the team thanks to social networks. I post a post and several stories, as well as a video in the reels format, where I talk about my projects and vacancies. The information “went viral”, many colleagues repost it, post it in chats. Conscious employees came, ready for new experience and work under my mentorship.

The main thing organizing a remote when working with a remote team is rules, checklists, direct communication, clear deadlines and all modern online tools at hand.

Team building tips

Create a community of passionate people! Unite employees with an idea, give them new experience,
Conduct organizing a remote brainstorming and creative sessions. Some employees find it difficult to open up in a new team. Brainstorming formats are a great opportunity to discover the hidden potential of colleagues. The main rule of such sessions is that you cannot say “no” and you ne to collect absolutely all ideas.
Maintain a healthy psychological climate.

Burnout is a disease of the 21st century

Creative organizing a guide: how to create a loyalty program remote professions are especially susceptible to it. Monitor your employees, try to distribute the workload evenly. If you see that the quality of work  has adb directory dropp, find out what is happening with the specialist. Maybe he nes a time-out for a day or two. Maybe he is not

coping with the current task or is ready for new serious projects.


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