How are we doing with our social mia use in the Netherlands? Just like last year, the use of TikTok is growing enormously, especially among twenty-somethings. And where the growth of Instagram seem to stabilize in 2021, it is now the fastest growing platform among the big five . Did you also know that smaller apps such as Telegram, Discord, job function email database Rdit, Twitch have more than a million users in the target group 15 years and older, and are therefore not that small at all? This and more came from the social mia research for 2022.
[Update January 30, 2023:Tips for your
Here you will find the Social
Mia Research 2023 with the latest figures ]
The National Social Mia Survey is the largest trend survey into the use and expectations of social mia in the Netherlands, conduct by Newcom Research. This year, the survey clean email was conduct for the 12th time, with no less than 7,057 participants ag 15 and over.
In this article I share the most striking results from this social mia research with you. Which platforms are us the most and with what frequency?
More time on social mia
Just like last year, we have start using social mia more actively, with an average of 10 minutes more per day. Strikingly, this increase is mainly why should you be active on LinkedIn as a professional? seen in the age group 20 to 39 years. This group is online on social mia channels for no less than 27 minutes more per day than in 2020. The only (slight) decrease can be seen in the age group 15 to 19 years. In total, we spend an average of 107 minutes per day using social mia.