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Write without mistakes. We’ve found some tips you’ll want to print out.

What to do when you don’t know

We live in the 21st century, so we have an advantage. What advantage? We don’t have to run to the library for advice and dust off clouds of spelling guides – we have Google, a deep well of information. Now, perhaps all linguists’ jaws have dropped and they are shaking their heads in disbelief. Sorry. But that’s just the way it is. So where do we go in modern times for information about the Czech language?

5 useful links: Write without mistakes

We found a few useful links for you that will make your writing life easier:

  1. at first glance, you might think that the website is only for schoolchildren. But it’s not. Adults can have a great time here too. You’ll find great tests on active and passive voice , complementizers, and articles about language phenomena that cause problems.
  2. – our favorite. This website doesn’t like any “spelling buggers” and you ‘ll quickly find out what to write where. It also tells you what other people ask most often and what phenomena they read most often, so you know you’re not alone.
  3.  a golden classic in online form. The advantage – you can find the correctly inflected form of a word in a second. In addition, Pravidla will introduce you to several problematic areas of the Czech language, just click on the last category in the menu on the website.
  4. here you can be sure that no sharpeners will advise you . The website is run under the auspices of the Institute of the Czech Language of the cell phone database Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, it has a Language Advice Centre and is really dedicated to Czech in depth. We definitely recommend it to anyone interested in expanding their knowledge of Czech .
  5. after clicking on this link you will find several great articles that deal with the most common mistakes. Such a nice read if you want to work on your grammar skills.

A few spelling mistakes

Now take your articles, captions or other copywriting, a red pen and put on a serious expression. The most common errors in written text will appear here and there even in the most attentive person. And let’s start correcting them:

Me x Me

You don’t have to remember the cases in detail t Write without mistakeso find out which option is correct. Be smart about it. Instead of me/me, add:

  • you = me
  • tobě = to me (the hook in the word tobě is a bit korea businesses directory extra, just like the N in the word to me)

Would you x would you

Do you think that only nerds write the form “by jste”? Wrong. They know that excessive formality does not pay off in this case. The correct form is only byste.

I am here.

The spelling of JSEM x SEM can be confusing for on the subject of email bounces some people. If it is an expression of a verb for an action performed by JÁ, then write JSEM. When it comes to specifying a place, use SEM. This is better illustrated by a simple rule:

  • I arrived by train. I arrived by train. – Who arrived?
  • He came here by train. He  came HERE by train. – Where did he come?

Standard x standard Write without mistakes

Remember that only two D’s are standard in the word ” standard “.

They will see x see

Did you look down from the rock or did you look up from it? Maybe you just peeked out from it, right? The basic lesson is:

  • When looking down (both literally and figuratively), we write S. Remember the rock from the opening example – S as rock and S as see from it.
  • Have you ever watched an interesting match ? Then remember this sentence with three Zs. Whenever you see something, use the letter Z in the word watch.

Message x message

While the evening television news informs you of new information, the city administration manages the finances and ensures their proper use.

  • Message – to convey ( tell ) someone a message, to inform.
  • Administration – management of, for example, documents or finances by an administrator.
  • Fix – to improve or repair, for example a car.

Exception x exception Write without mistakes

You are no exception if you spell the word exception wrong. We know what confuses you – the verb vyjąmat, from which exception is derived. Only the real diehards will remember that the comma is moved to the Y.

Early x early Write without mistakes

Now imagine that you are a student and tomorrow you have an exam on the early Middle Ages. You can’t do anything. The material doesn’t stick in your head at all and you suddenly think: “I’m really sick of the early Middle Ages.” and this very sentence is etched in your memory and from now on you will only write two n’s in the following cases:

  • Morning warm-up – from the word morning
  • Nine-shot pistol – how many shots can it fire?
  • Wound infection – there is an infection in the wound

Of course, it would be boring without exceptions: there is also the concept of early infection – meaning it is in the first stage.

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